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A Complete Explanation of Antimatter |
A Complete Explanation of Antimatter. Do you know? If it turns out that we all have twins, even all of you who are real twins have more twins.
What I mean here is the universal twin, not only we humans, animals or plants but all of us. All matter in the universe has an "evil" twin called Antimatter.
A Complete Explanation of Antimatter
Before I discuss more about Antimatter, I will explain the cost of making it first.
Antimatter is the most expensive material in the world
What's the most expensive "thing" someone has ever made? I am forced to use quotation marks, because this "thing" is called antimatter, Anti object. Every milligram of Antimatter costs $ 300 billion!
This antimatter is made of antiparticles. For example, electrons that are positively charged are called positrons, aka anti-electrons. Protons with a negative charge are called antiprotons. Now a molecule consisting of antiprotons and antielectrons is called antimatter.
Antimatter is made at CERN (Europe) and Stanford Linear Palo Alto and Fermi lab Chicago (USA) SLAC accelerators. They succeeded in making anti hydrogen and anti helium. Yes, at least it will only be a few atoms, because it is so expensive.
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A Complete Explanation of Antimatter |
Antimatter is not abundant in nature. Humans face more matter, namely the objects around us. Why is it like that? Nothing who knows, except that there was a phase in the Big Bang where the number of particles was greater than that of the antiparticles.
Because even so antimatter exists and fills the matter, on the other hand there will be annihilation of both of them accompanied by bursts of gamma ray energy.
Ten thousand times the size of a nuclear explosion (four times its size). So if there is a natural source of antimatter that can be controlled, then we will get very abundant energy. I still don't understand a lot this problem. But I am very happy with the secrets of nature revealed by scientists.
Very expensive indeed, $ 300 billion to get a milligram Antimatter. But hopefully with a better understanding, our lives can be better too.
What is Antimatter?
Here's the story, in the 1920s an English descent from Switzerland named Paul Dirac, he was writing numbers on his paper, until he came to a calculation 2 x 2 = 4.
Then he thought, there are many ways to get the number 4 through multiplication, but if the number being multiplied remains the same, the number 4 can also be obtained in a different way, namely to be minus -2 x -2 = 4.
At this point he realized, in this world, it turns out that to be able to form a material, a goal can be through positive or negative ways. Then not long after he was hanging out on the toilet, he saw a hole in the wall that resembled a hydrogen atom.
Then he thought: “Oh, No! Who made the holes in the wall? wait a minute, the electrons are negative, the protons are positive, right? Can't everything be both negative and positive? What happens if the electrons are positive? And the proton is negative? "
So from that was born a big idea that shook the universe, namely a hypothetical particle called Antimatter. And from that simple calculation, it is further developed so:
Evil Twin
Okay, the above story is a bit exaggerated and far from the truth, but that's more or less that the Antimatter hypothesis was born through mathematical calculations rather than physical experiments.
Mathematically, this thing must exist. But in reality, in this universe, there are no positive electrons (hereinafter referred to as positrons) and negative protons (formerly known as Negatons, but eventually better known as Anti Protons).
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A Complete Explanation of Antimatter |
If in theory this object exists, why is it not in reality? Until a research student at Caltech (California Institute of Technology) named Carl Anderson, one day with the help of a tool called the Cloud Chamber found an electron trace from an atom exposed to Gamma rays that would kick an electron out of an atom that was spinning in the wrong direction.
Anderson used the strong magnetic field around the Cloud Chamber in his next experiment. Just to make sure. It turned out that it was true, when the atom was exposed to Gamma Rays, and the electrons flew out, it saw traces of a number of electrons that were different from a number of other electrons.
Some are far from the negative pole of the magnet, some closer, this means that some electrons are negatively charged and some are positively charged. (* If it is true that all electrons are negative, all electrons must move in the direction of the magnetic poles)
Yes, Anderson has found a Positron that was once a myth. Since then, scientists have been racing to find another evil twin.
But wait, the questions above are still unanswered. If it turns out that Antimatter exists, why can't we find it at all in a universe that is actually controlled by Matter?
The Great Annihilation
There is something I haven't said here that Matter and Antimatter cannot coexist peacefully. Why? Because if a particle of matter comes into contact with an antimatter particle, what happens is annihilation. Both of them got lost somewhere.
And that annihilation produced tremendous energy. Much more powerful than Nuclear Fission in Nuclear Generation and Merger at the core of the sun.
That said, if half a gram of matter comes into contact with half a gram of antimatter, the energy that will be produced is equivalent to 21 Kilotons of TNT or twice that of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima Nagasaki.
And because of this great antimatter, he was appointed Noel by Dan Brown, who was given the title Angels And Demons. We all know the potential energy in rest mass using Einstein's formula.
Then the potential of one gram of hydrogen atom is: 1 gram 1/1000 (10 ^ -3) kg; Speed of Light = 300,000 km / s or 3 × 10 ^ 8 meters / s. The calculation is E = 10 ^ −3 × (3 × 10 ^ 8) 2 = 9 × 10 ^ 13 joules or 90 Terajoules (1 kiloton of TNT equals 4.2 Terajoule).
If all this time Nuclear Fission technology is only able to convert 0.1% of the total mass into energy, the rest becomes waste, even Nuclear Fusion is only 0.4%, then the energy generated from the process of destroying Matter vs Antimatter is 100%, truly efficient. and waste free!
So going back to the original question, why is there no natural Antimatter in this universe? According to scientists, antimatter existed shortly after the Big Bang. It used to be that the amount between Matter and Antimatter was in balance, but for some reason there was a slight imbalance and Matter-Antimatter began to annihilate one another.
So, everything disappears, there is only a little Matter that is victorious, and the whole universe was created from the remains of that Matter.
Taming the sacred beast
Ok, after reading the three series above, we will understand how much Antimatter Energy has the potential, so war-crazy humans are made to drool. Can you imagine, if atomic bomb technology alone could dominate the world, let alone have antimatter technology?
Hence, since the discovery of this object until now, humans have never stopped trying to tame this wild beast. Then? Can that happen?
The answer is yes and no. If the aim was to make bombs or rocket fuel, then frankly, it is still a dream and science fiction. Why? Because Antimatter is very expensive, and to accommodate Antimatter is very difficult.
Even Fermi Lab and CERN, the world's largest nuclear research organizations, are only able to produce 1.5 nanograms of antiprotons per month. If you want to produce 1 gram of antiproton, the time needed is 41 million years at a cost of thousands of trillion dollars and energy equivalent to 25 thousand trillion kw / hour.
That's just made, so how do you accommodate an object that explodes when it comes into contact with another object? Fortunately this is possible, using a magnetic field. Positrons and Antiprotons are electrically charged, just use a big magnet to keep it from getting anywhere.
And this was done successfully, the first time by a man named Hans Dehmelt, who had been holding the positron for 3 months with a device called The Penning Trap.
But the difficulty is, the greater the number of positrons, the greater the magnetic field strength needed. Take it easy. The more capable human technology is here, I believe one day we will be able to conquer Antimatter.
Nowadays, positron technology that has been applied in modern life is in the medical world. If you have ever seen a PET machine, it stands for Positron emission tomography. Which makes use of positrons to detect metabolic disorders in the body.
Now for those of you who are lazy to read for a long time, I will provide a summary of my article above:
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A Complete Explanation of Antimatter |
1. Antimatter was first predicted to exist through a mathematical formula, in 1928 by a man named Paul Dirac.
2. In principle Matter and Antimatter do not have a significant difference, a pen made of Antimatter will be exactly the same as a pen made of material. The fundamental difference lies in the smallest elements, namely Atom and Quark.
Where the difference is in the material matter, electrons are negatively charged, protons are positively charged, so in antimatter electrons are positively charged and protons are negatively charged.
3.The electrons in Antimatter are called positrons (Positive Electrons)
4. Protons in Antimatter are called Negative Protons or Antiprotons.
5. Neutrons also have antineutrons (it's just that the charge is constant, the changes at the quark level - won't be explained further)
6. Matter and Antimatter when they touch will produce annihilation which results in a 100% conversion of energy to Mass using Einstein's formula (E = MC2)
7. The process of making the Antimatter is very expensive and complicated, so the dream of making an Antimatter Bomb or an interstellar aircraft using Antimatter is still looming.
8. At present the use of antimatter is only intended for scientific and medical purposes (only positron is used in medicine).
9. I am a beauty.
Thank you for your attention, I'm sorry if the article I wrote is too long. Thank you for sharing my article. By: Ochie