Ochie Daily

Sunday, April 25, 2021

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox
About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox. Fox. That's the name of an animal that looks like a little wolf. There are several species of fox known to man.

Of the many fox species, the fennec is the smallest. Although small, fennecs are very easy to distinguish from other fox species thanks to their large ears.

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox

Fennec in scientific language called Vulpes zerda has a maximum body length of 40 centimeters, a maximum tail length of 30 centimeters, and a maximum weight of 1.6 kilograms.

This size also makes the fennec the smallest species of fox in the world. When compared to other animals, fennecs are about the same size as domestic cats.

Fennec can only be found in the deserts of North Africa and West Asia. Their native habitat extends from Morocco in the west to Kuwait in the east. They like most desert areas overgrown with plants so they can use the plants for shade and burrow under them.

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox
About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox

Fennec is fully adapted for life in the desert. They can live without drinking because they can meet the water needs of the plants they eat.

The soles of his feet are covered with a layer of hair so that he doesn't feel too hot when he steps on the surface of the desert sand.

Then thanks to its large ears and reaching 15 centimeters in length, the fennec can keep its body temperature from getting too hot. The light brown fur of the fennec makes it quite difficult for enemies to see it from a distance.

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During the day, fennec hair reflects sunlight and protects the skin from exposure to direct sunlight. Then as night falls, the thick fennec fur helps keep these animals warm on the cold desert nights.

Big ears and very sharp hearing

Fennec has a nocturnal lifestyle, which is active at night. During the day, fennecs prefer to stay in burrows that are dug to escape surface heat.

The burrows created by fennecs can reach a depth of nearly one meter. Fennecs are omnivores, aka eaters of everything. Its diet consists of insects, rodents, lizards, eggs, fruit and plant roots.

The large ears of the fennec once again indicate their role as these animals forage. Thanks to their wide ears, the fennec can hear the movements of small animals on the ground.

Fennec Fox Videos

Once the fennec hears the movement of its prey, the fennec will dig into the ground that is the source of the sound and catch the animals hiding there.

Apart from having a sensitive sense of hearing, fennecs also have a keen sense of smell and eyes that can see in the dark.

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox
About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox

Fennecs have a social pattern and live together in the same habits. One burrow can hold up to ten fennecs. Fennecs that inhabit the same nest usually consist of adult males, adult females, and offspring resulting from their mating.

In order for the fennec to escape when predators enter its burrow, the fennec's burrow can have multiple exits at once.

Fennec Can Have Many Children

The fennec breeding season occurs in winter local time, precisely from January to February. Fennecs are monogamous, meaning they will remain loyal to the same mate for the rest of their lives.

After the female fennec mates with the male, the female will experience a pregnancy of about fifty days.

The number of babies a female fennec can contain ranges from 2 to 6. Fennec babies are born blind and can only open their eyes at 2 weeks of age.

Then at 5 weeks of age, the baby fennec has started walking around his burrow. Baby Fennec will continue to drink breast milk until the age of 3 months.

Fennec experiences sexual maturity at about 6 months of age. It is at that age that the fennec will leave its mother's burrow to start living independently. Fennec is believed to live up to 10 years in the wild.

Meanwhile, if caught, fennec has a maximum lifespan of up to 14 years. Because fennecs are small animals, they are vulnerable to attack by larger animals such as hyenas and large birds.

To be safe from predators, fennecs also have a habit of hiding in their burrows during the day and only come out when it's dark.

About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox
About Fennec Fox, Big Eared Desert Fox

Fennecs are also often hunted by humans for their fur or sold as pets. Their cute appearance and ability to adapt to new environments are the reasons why fennecs are often used as exotic pets.

Although fennec is often caught in its wild habitat, it has not been categorized as endangered so far. By: Ochie